On June 1st 2017, our School became an Academy as part of the Oak Trees Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) and we are looking forward to this exciting chapter in our schools’ history. The Trust is made up of Members and Trustees from across the MAT schools and each school has a Local Governing Body (LGB).

In the Academy area of our website are a number of statutory documents required for our conversion and further information about Oak Trees academies, policies and Governance are available on the Oak Trees website. https://oaktreesmat.co.uk/

About Our Governors


The Governing Body is responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers the highest quality of education for our children. Together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies.

There are currently 7 members of the Governing Body who bring with them a wide range of expertise from varying professions.

The Full Governing Body meets twice every term, with an additional meeting in the Autumn Term.

Meet Our Governing Body

Co-opted Governors                                                          

Reverend Gillian Rossiter - Pupil Premium

Mrs Julie Woods - Health & Wellbeing

Mrs Amanda Starkey - Safeguarding

Clerk to Governors

Mr Nigel Saunders

Parent Governors

Mrs Sarah Holmes - Vulnerable Groups Mrs Jen Byrne (Chair) - Data & Attendance

Staff Governors

Mr Rob Brown                                                                          Mr Ben Parker

Additional Information